So far, so good. I have changed things up a bit and we decided (we, as in the hubby and I) that we'd take a room a day and divide up the chores in 4 ways to deep clean it from top to bottom. This usually entails -
1 - vacuum (including the edges)
2 - dusting (including removing all items and replacing after dusted, ceiling fans)
3 - wipe down walls, baseboards, door frames
4 - windows (wash in/out, wipe down sills and blinds)
First day was my studio room. The kids were GREAT and the room looks GREAT! I did have to go in and do some "touch up" but most of that was my stuff to go through anyway. I can see through my windows, my shelves are easier to find music in and it looks and smells great! (I love the new room/fabric refresher from Bath and Body! It's about $8 a bottle, lasts forever and the SMELL is AmAZing and LASTS FOREVER!) And all of this happened in about an hour and a half and with little to no fighting.
Day two is happening now. The family room. Center was emptied and Old English'ed, blinds, windows, couch cushions removed and vacuum is running in couches (YIKES), walls washed, etc. etc. etc. BUT . . . there is a TON of fighting happening today! It's only been about an hour and it's almost done but you'd think I'd asked them all to scrub the top of the Chrysler building! Arguing about this, yelling about that! I'm pretty sure some of it has to do with the fact that they all stayed up a little TOO LATE since it was the first FRIDAY SCHOOL WAS OUT but my goodness!!! I came to the solace of my room and as I left them to finish up (hubby and I do help them - I did yesterday, he did today) I heard one of the boys tell the others . . . and I quote . . . "I don't know if I like her home more now. Maybe she'll get another show."
Does absence REALLY make the heart grow . . . FONDER??? LOL! Maybe not, but I'll have a CLEAN HOUSE in the meantime!