We also cleaned the garage and I went through my clothes and shoes. I don't consider myself a clothes whore but I do love nice dress up clothes (for theatre, etc.) and my mother-in-law has a passion for shoes that she occasionally shares with me as she cleans out her closet. As we cleaned the garage, I found a bag of about 20 pair of shoes that I hadn't realized I had. It took about 3 hours but after 7 black bags were filled and carted off, my closet looks so much cleaner and more precise. I'm thrilled to have it gone.
Today was "Sisters Friday". Mindy and Liz are out of state :( and Heather had a sick baby, so it was just Christine and I. We just piddled around at Rustic Hutch (she bought 2 chairs) and Michaels (VT goodies for the month) and ended up at the Dollar Store where she was buying green tissue paper for some preschool project. I was more or less just along for the ride, but enjoyed the time out from the house, the time with my sister and the great conversation! This is a great tradition we started with just lunch on birthday months, then went to every month, but now it's every other Friday. We talked today about making it every Friday and those who can make it will. It is so nice to have family close and we miss those who are not here!
This evening I got word that one of my little sisters, Mindy, has her youngest little girl in the hospital.
Mollie is such a cutie! She is having difficulties with RSV and having a hard time breathing. They are 'threatening' up to 2 wks and we all wish they lived closer in order to help her!
She has 2 other girls and I'm sure the burden of being a mom to them is weighing on her as well. We're praying for all of you!!
We got good news too! My baby sis, Liz, got an acceptance letter to one of the dental hygiene programs she applied to! YEA! She has gotten straight A's since she started college - not one B! - and is determined to get through school fast and return home to work with my brother (he's a dentist). She is dedicated and persistent! We love you Liz and are sure that you will hear from other schools too! Good luck on your interview!