I've been busy getting things ready for a young women's special meeting called Evening in Excellence. I am the Personal Progress leader in my ward and this is an evening to spotlight the girls work. I have been asked to put together a program and the theme is FOREVER BLOOMING: My Garden of Values.
As I started trying to decide where to go with this, I came across an amazing outline online about taking each value and representing it with a flower and comparing them. I loved it! But now the hard part comes - I have to come up with the flowers and how they compare and write it out. They only gave one idea and I didn't like the flower they chose, so I now have to come up with all 8 values, 8 flowers and 8 comparisons. Some might find this overwhelming but I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do this kind of stuff!
It started the weekend my kids were out of town with my parents and I started researching. Geoff and I were home alone. No interruptions. Nothing to do but enjoy the quiet and each other. I'll keep this rated G and just say we had fun but we still had lots of down time. So, I used my time to work on the computer, while Geoff played his computer game. :) Yes, we're geeks!
I'm done now and the presentation is amazing, if I do say so myself. Although, I don't consider it to be only my work - I had lots of inspiration! I wish I could share with you all of the values and flowers but that would take too long. But I have to share something, so here is a taste with one of my favorites -

Zinnias are among the most popular of garden flowers. Butterflies are particularly attracted to them. They are also called “youth-and-old-age”.
My life is like garden. Every choice I make is like a seed. I decide what I want grow in my garden. If I plant good choices, I’ll enjoy love, peace, joy and closeness with the Spirit. If I plant bad seeds, I’ll grow unhappiness. Luckily, if I don’t like the plants I’m growing, I can choose to weed by repenting. Seeds and choices are very similar. We choose what to plant, but we can’t decide what will come up --- that was already decided by what we plant. We can choose our actions, be we can’t decide the consequences for those actions. Just like seeds grow up into plants that make even more seeds, my choices have long reaching consequences -- sometimes expanding, other times limiting my future choices. If I learn to make righteous choices, I’ll have great blessings and the opportunity for many other good choices in the future.
All the flowers of all the tomorrows are
in the seeds of today. - Indian Proverb
1 comment:
You are so good at this stuff. Well done!
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